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TCP and UDP are two protocols that are part of the transport layer in a of data transmission. Both share the same core function – transmitting data packets from the client to the server and vice versa.

TCP和UDP是两个协议,它们是数据传输的中传输层的一部分。 两者共享相同的核心功能-将数据包从客户端传输到服务器,反之亦然。

But it is the difference between TCP and UDP protocols which make them appropriate for specialized requirements. In this tutorial, we will attempt to understand TCP and UDP before proceeding to highlight their differences.

但是正是TCP和UDP协议之间的差异使它们适合于特殊要求。 在本教程中,我们将尝试理解TCP和UDP,然后再着重强调它们之间的区别。

TCP和UDP协议之间的差异 (Differences Between TCP and UDP Protocol)

Both the protocols serve completely different purposes and usually aren’t interchangeable. Though TCP can easily perform all the functionality that the UDP protocol performs at the moment, it will slow down things to an unacceptable level.

两种协议的用途完全不同,通常是不可互换的。 尽管TCP可以轻松执行UDP协议目前执行的所有功能,但它将使事情降到令人无法接受的程度。

For a quick background, think of the online gaming industry where missing out on a single data packet doesn’t make much of a difference. In this case, if TCP is implemented instead of UDP, it will verify the delivery of the packet and resend it if undelivered.

快速了解一下在线游戏行业,在该行业中,丢失单个数据包的影响不大。 在这种情况下,如果实现的是TCP而不是UDP,它将验证数据包的传递并在未传递时重新发送。

But games drop a lot of packets and frames when streamed online and retransfer of dropped packets will make the game unplayable!


So, when we wish to understand the difference between TCP and UDP protocols, we need to start by learning these TCP/IP protocols one by one.

因此,当我们希望了解TCP和UDP协议之间的区别时,我们需要首先学习这些TCP / IP协议。

什么是TCP? (What is the TCP?)

TCP is short for Transmission Control Protocol. This data transfer protocol is connection-oriented i.e. it waits for a proper connection to be established between the communicating devices.

TCP是传输控制协议的缩写。 该数据传输协议是面向连接的,即它等待在通信设备之间建立正确的连接。

  • The connection is closed once the data transfer is complete.

  • These connections are verified using a three-way handshake.

  • It ensures the proper delivery of data between the two devices.


To do the above three things, TCP employs its thorough error-checking mechanisms through flow control and data acknowledgement.


  • TCP uses data sequencing to ensure that all the data packets arrive at the receiver in the order they were sent.

  • In the case of packet loss, the specific data packets can be transferred again using TCP. 


While it is a heavy-weight protocol, TCP compromises on speed and doesn’t allow broadcasting. With its variable header length of 20 to 80 bytes, TCP finds itself being used in HTTP, FTP, SMPT, and Telnet.

TCP虽然是重量级协议,但会影响速度,并且不允许广播。 TCP具有20到80个字节的可变报头长度,可用于HTTP,FTP,SMPT和Telnet。

TCP的应用 (Applications for TCP)

TCP allows a person to establish a connection between systems that may or may not be similar to each other. Its support for a variety of networking protocols makes it a popular choice for inter-networking between two or more parties.

TCP允许一个人在彼此相似或不同的系统之间建立连接。 它对各种网络协议的支持使其成为两个或多个参与者之间进行网络互连的流行选择。

TCP allows easy identification of errors and delays data transfer in case the network is congested. This ensures that packet loss is minimized greatly.

TCP可以轻松识别错误,并在网络拥塞的情况下延迟数据传输。 这样可以确保最大程度地减少数据包丢失。

Hence, it is used for instances when a delay is acceptable while packet loss is not.


什么是UDP? (What is the UDP?)

UDP is short for User Datagram Protocol. This data transfer protocol is connectionless and oriented with user datagrams.

UDP是用户数据报协议的缩写。 该数据传输协议是无连接的,并且面向用户数据报。

  • A datagram is a unit for data transfer in the case of packet-switched networks.

  • While its functioning is broadly similar to TCP, UDP doesn’t wait for the receiver to be ready to receive the data.

  • It doesn’t wait for a properly established connection or use handshake protocols to check the same. 


This, coupled with UDP’s basic checksum-based error checking mechanisms, increase the possibility of data packet loss.


  • If packet loss occurs during a UDP transfer, the specific lost packets cannot be sent again.

  • UDP doe not offer any data sequencing either, which means that ordering the data packets has to be done by an application.

  • Unlike TCP, UDP offers a lightweight alternative for data transfer.

  • It’s simpler, faster than TCP and efficient.

  • It allows things like broadcasting which isn’t possible through TCP.


With its fixed header length of 8 bytes, UDP finds itself being used in DNS, TFTP, RIP, SNMP and VoIP.


UDP的应用 (Applications for UDP)

UDP removes the need for an established connection. This helps cut down the latency during startup. UDP allows for broadcasting and multicast data transfer. It is a popular choice for multimedia transmissions such as VoIP.

UDP消除了建立连接的需要。 这有助于减少启动期间的延迟。 UDP允许广播和多播数据传输。 对于VoIP等多媒体传输而言,它是一种流行的选择。

To ensure maximum speed, it uses only checksums to identify errors. This makes the data transfer speed to be enhanced at the cost of risking data packet loss.

为了确保最高速度,它仅使用校验和来识别错误。 这使得数据传输速度得以提高,但以丢失数据包的风险为代价。

As there is no need for a connection to be established, delays aren’t an issue in UDP. Hence it is used for instances where packet loss can be tolerated, but delay can’t.

由于不需要建立连接,因此在UDP中延迟不是问题。 因此,它用于可以容忍丢包但不能延迟的情况。

总结TCP和UDP协议之间的差异 (Summarizing the differences between TCP and UDP protocols)

Now that we have an idea about both these protocols, we can move on to the difference between TCP and UDP protocols.


These differences play a big role in helping you choose the correct protocol for your needs. Both TCP and UDP offer a variety of pros and cons in terms of functionality. 

这些差异在帮助您选择所需的正确协议方面起着重要作用。 就功能而言,TCP和UDP都有许多优点和缺点。

Here is a table that contains an overview of the difference between TCP and UDP protocols.


Transmission control protocol (TCP) User datagram protocol (UDP)
TCP is a connection-oriented data transfer protocol UDP is a datagram-oriented data transfer protocol
Data is guaranteed to safely reach the receiver Data is not guaranteed to safely reach the receiver
Uses data acknowledgment and flow control to perform an in-depth error check Uses checksums to search for basic errors in transmission
Data sequencing is handled by TCP Data sequencing needs to be handled by an application
TCP works slower than UDP and is a heavyweight protocol UDP works faster than TCP and is a lightweight protocol
HTTPs, SMPT, FTP and Telnet use TCP for data exchange DNS, DHCP, TFTP, VoIP and RIP utilise UDP for data exchange
TCP does not allow broadcasting UDP allows broadcasting
The header length can vary between 20 to 80 bytes The header length is fixed at 8 bytes
传输控制协议(TCP) 用户数据报协议(UDP)
TCP是一种面向连接的数据传输协议 UDP是面向数据报的数据传输协议
保证数据可以安全到达接收器 无法保证数据可以安全到达接收器
使用数据确认和流控制来执行深入的错误检查 使用校验和来搜索传输中的基本错误
数据排序由TCP处理 数据排序需要由应用程序处理
TCP比UDP慢,并且是重量级协议 UDP比TCP更快,是一种轻量级协议
TCP不允许广播 UDP允许广播
标头长度可以在20到80个字节之间变化 标头长度固定为8个字节

This difference between TCP and UDP protocols make each better at handling specific kinds of use.


Hence, while TCP is great for general use, choosing UDP would be the right decision when speed is more essential than the risk of packet loss.


结语 (Wrapping up)

There is a lot of differences between TCP and UDP protocols. These differences mean that irrespective of your data transfer needs, you always have one protocol which will optimally meet your requirements.

TCP和UDP协议之间有很多区别。 这些差异意味着,无论您的数据传输需求如何,您始终拥有一个可以最佳满足您需求的协议。

  • TCP is designed to handle load efficiently and ensure packet losses don’t occur.

  • On the other hand, UDP is based on ensuring maximum speed in data transmission.


Despite the difference between TCP and UDP protocols, both are widely used to transfer data over the network.


It’s critical to know the differences between TCP and UDP protocols when you’re working with developing applications that communicate over the network.


I hope this tutorial has been useful to you.


If you have any feedback, queries or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below.





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